Yasuko Okamoto - Forest


Yasuko Okamoto 岡本慈子
Forest (2016)
Acrylic on canvas
62 x 51, framed

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岡本慈子是一位曾旅居法國的日本當代抽象畫藝術家。出身於日本和歌山,自小即鍾情於繪畫,大學畢業於負笈美國留學期間,對於現代藝術鑒賞有進一步體認,學成返日後亦進入繪畫專業領域之企業服務數年,嗣為能增進對藝術品領域之學養而前往法國深造,除取得比較文學碩士學歷外,亦同時進入美術學校修習,期間認識外子,並隨之來到台灣研習中文、結婚及生子,因夫婿工作因素而輾轉移居義大利、塞內加爾、法國及台灣之間,在育兒生活中,仍然不間斷地從事插畫及繪畫的創作,其間亦曾在塞內加爾首都達卡舉辦首次個展;2011年再次返回黎,此期間漸轉向於抽象繪畫創作,並於巴黎舉辦兩次個展,更有幸於 2015 年及 2016 年連續 2 年入選法國巴黎秋季沙龍展。2017 年中再次隨夫婿前往南法普羅旺斯塞尚的故鄉Aix-en-Provence,2023起將常駐象牙海岸。

Yasuko Okamoto is a contemporary Japanese abstract artist who has lived in France. Born in Wakayama, Japan, she loved painting from a young age. After graduating from university and studying in the United States, she gained further appreciation for modern art. Upon returning to Japan, she worked in the art industry for several years before going to France to deepen her knowledge of the field. She earned a Master's degree in Comparative Literature and also studied at an art school. During this time, she met her spouse and came to Taiwan to study Chinese, got married and had a child. Due to her spouse's job, they moved between Italy, Senegal, France, and Taiwan. Despite raising her child, she continuously engaged in illustration and painting, and had her first exhibition in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. In 2011, she returned to Paris and gradually shifted towards abstract painting. She held two solo exhibitions in Paris and was fortunate to be selected for the Paris Autumn Salon Exhibition in 2015 and 2016. In mid-2017, she moved to Aix-en-Provence, the hometown of Cézanne in Southern France with her spouse, and from 2023, she will be based in Ivory Coast.

Bernardino Toppi- Cavalier Archaique
Yasuko Okamoto - Stream
Yasuko Okamoto - Coming Home no.2
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