Vladimír Kokolia


Vladimír Kokolia (born in 1956) is one of the most important contemporary artists in the Czech Republic. Kokolia gained international attention at the beginning of the 1990s, which led to exhibitions of his works at documenta (Kassel, Germany); the Third Eye Center (Glasgow, UK); the Ludwig Forum (Aachen, Germany); S.M.A.K. (Gent, Belgium); the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts; the Walker Hill Art Center (Seoul, South Korea); the Otis/Parsons Gallery (Los Angeles, USA); PS1 (New York, USA) and many others. More recently, he presented major solo exhibition projects at MOCA in Chengdu, China, and at the IKON Gallery in Birmingham, UK. Besides being an artist, he was also the lead singer and lyricist of the legendary Czech underground rock band "E" and is a longtime student of the Chen style of Taijiquan. His deep philosophical and spiritual explorations in a variety of practices are reflected in his art. Kokolia is also committed to art education and has taught many outstanding young artists for nearly 30 years at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.



內在移民:安身的視野 | Inner Emigration: The Frame of an Image Is You (北美館 Taipei Fine Arts Museum,2020)

布拉格藝術微旅行 Czech in Taipei (台北收藏交易中心 Auction Center Taipei, 2020)