Lukáš  Kalivoda

盧卡斯·卡力弗達 Lukáš Kalivoda (b.1986)

生於捷克,除了是畫家,他也是玻璃藝術家,創作超越傳統的「形式」與表現,因為玻璃藝術的製作,因而深深了解「水性」。如其姓氏Kalivoda的 「渾水」之意。盧卡斯以「水」作畫,儼然已成為他的標誌。他一再的深入物質的核心,這不只是隱喻性的說法,而是真實的進入物質情境,幾乎感官可以觸及。創作的起始源自於他作為媒介的金屬物質本身,但卻非金屬之形貌,而是物質稱為物質前所隱藏的前提狀態。創作過程的首創獨特發明,開啟了當代藝術另一個篇章。   

Lukáš Kalivoda is active in various fields of art. He works with glass, creates objects and installations, develops distinctive printing and painting techniques. He always attempts to approach his projects innovatively and independently of previous solutions, all this while finding his own approaches both to the materials and the techniques or technologies he makes use of. In a sense, his activities go “across” the traditional divisions of disciplines and forms of artistic expression. Concurrently, however, he systematises and repetitively varies his methods and compositional strategies. This creates the elementary context for his works, determined by the volatile relationship of newness to unexpectedness, as well as an implicit order.

Source: Lukáš Kalivoda: Painting by Water - exhibition text, by Kamil Nábělek.


捷克藝術微展 A Micro View to Czech Art (大果文化、七十七藝術 Core Cultural and Gallery Art77, 2021)

布拉格藝術微旅行 Czech in Taipei (台北收藏交易中心 Auction Center Taipei, 2021)