Curation consultant: Jeane Huang, Curated by: Ivan Huang

Paul Hanrahan :

The Aurora Arcade

光之遊樂場:安保羅光影藝術展 The Aurora Arcade by Paul Hanrahan

【安保羅 光之遊樂場 The Aurora Arcade  耶誕光影藝術展】
The Aurora Arcade: The Christmas Convergence by Paul Hanrahan

展覽常態導覽時段 Hours of operation: 
週五 Friday: 16:00-21:00
週六 Saturday :16:00-21:00
週日 Sunday :16:00-21:00(免費,建議 Accupass 預約入場)

地點 Venue :
The Mall (4F, No.203, Sec.2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei)

踏入 Paul Hanrahan 安保羅 迷人的「光之遊樂場」,在這裡,聖誕魔法透過令人眼花繚亂的互動藝術和光彩奪目的奇觀而變得栩栩如生!

🌟 沉浸於獨一無二的聖誕慶典中,光化身任您嬉戲的遊具,創造前所未有的體驗。活動邀請的不僅僅是小朋友或年輕人,還包含富有童心的創作者和藝術愛好者!

🎨✨ 我們的互動式「光之遊樂場」既是藝術展,也是超好拍的攝影實驗室,重新定義節日體驗,提供了一個光輝靈感的遊樂園。參與引人入勝的裝置,融合藝術和科技,為您自己的創造性表達提供完美的背景!


活動將在台北著名的 遠企購物中心 The Mall 四樓舉行,毗鄰遠東香格里拉大飯店,與年度聖誕樹點燈活動同步進行!看完美麗的聖誕樹後,快來四樓繼續您的聖誕活動吧!

關於藝術家: 安保羅 Paul Hanrahan



投影技術支援:ProArt by ASUS
家飾提供 :費納拉國際精品家飾 Finara

Step into a world of enchantment at Paul Hanrahan's Aurora Arcade, where Christmas magic comes to life in a dazzling display of interactive art and radiant wonders!

🌟Immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind Christmas festivity where light transforms into the toys you play with, creating an experience like no other., inviting not just the young, but also the young at heart – including creatives and art enthusiasts like you!

🎨✨ Our interactive “Light Park” is part art show, part photo-shoot lab that redefines the holiday experience, offering a playground of radiant inspiration. Engage with captivating installations that blend artistry and technology, providing the perfect backdrop for your own creative expressions.

Aurora Arcade is where the magic of Christmas converges with the brilliance of artistic expression – a celebration for the creative spirit in us all. 🎨🎅🌟

The Event will be held on the 4th Floor inside of Taipei’s famous “The Mall“ next to the Shangri-La Far Eastern Hotel coinciding with the annual Christmas tree lighting! Come on up after you see the tree to continue your Christmas activity!

About the Artist: Paul Hanrahan

Born in South Africa, Paul Hanrahan is a self-taught artist who has experimented with photography, painting and sculpture. He is an Electrical Engineering graduate who made his career from the combination of art and technology. He has worked in film and television post production doing colour grading. His art is influenced by natural patterns and rhythms, collages and coincidences. He also includes mathematical theories and physical phenomena in his work. His work often includes lightsources or distortion of light using mirrors, mixed media, and machines.

IG: @paulhanrahan_art

Powered by 【ProArt by ASUS】
Furniture and decorations sponsored by Finara

主辦單位 Presented by:大果文化 Core Cultural Management  IG   FB  官方網站


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