A Short Story Through Czech Photography  & The Launch of Czech Centre Taipei

【免費活動】捷克攝影圖文展 暨 「捷克中心臺北」成立



此次展覽由【捷克經濟文化辦事處】與甫成立之【捷克中心臺北】主辦,布拉格裝飾藝術博物館(UPM) 策展,大果文化製作。展出圖文內容涵蓋慕夏(Alfons Mucha)、弗朗蒂斯克.德蒂科(Frantisek Drtikol)、約瑟夫·蘇德克(Josef Sudek)和約瑟夫·寇德卡(Josef Koudelka)等知名攝影師作品與背後故事。透過「捷克攝影的短篇故事」,我們得以探究捷克藝術從歌德風格的起源到現代前衛運動的豐富歷史,也得以欣賞在全球藝術界留下深遠影響的捷克大師手法。



為藝術而來,為文化而駐, 豐收歸去。

開放時間:週一到週四 11:00 - 19:00,週五到週日 11:00 - 21:00, 六月23日 (日)11:00-18:00
地點:松山文創園區 西向製菸工廠 W113 炊事場(台北市信義區光復南路133號 )

主辦單位: 捷克經濟文化辦事處 (CECO Taipei) FB、捷克中心臺北
策展: 托馬斯.普羅斯佩奇/布拉格裝飾藝術博物館 (UPM) 官網
協辦:安娜・赫拉巴科娃、馬凱棠・查胡門斯卡/捷克中心 ,奧斯卡.諾瓦克/捷克外交部
圖片:布拉格裝飾藝術博物館 UPM
2024 ©️ Authors and Heirs 版權所有
製作單位: 大果文化顧問 

A Short Story Through Czech Photography  & The Launch of Czech Centre Taipei 【Free Entry】

About the Event:

Step into the captivating world of Czech photography and the opening of the Czech Centre Taipei! This unique exhibition, created by the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, showcases a century of stunning Czech photography, capturing moments that range from the everyday to the extraordinary.

Discover the vibrant history of Czech art, from its Gothic roots to its modern avant-garde movements. Marvel at the works of famous Czech photographers like Frantisek Drtikol, Josef Sudek, and Josef Koudelka, whose images have left a lasting mark on the global art scene.

The Czech Centre Taipei aims to bridge the cultural gap between Taiwan and the Czech Republic, celebrating not just the traditional icons of Czech heritage but also its contemporary creativity. From innovative design to groundbreaking photography, this event is a gateway to the heart of Czech culture.

Join us for this exciting exhibition and be part of a cultural exchange that promises to enrich and inspire. Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a photography lover, or just curious about Czech culture, there’s something here for everyone. Don’t miss out on the chance to see these captivating works up close and experience the magic of Czech artistry!

Come for the art, stay for the culture. Let’s celebrate together!

Exhibition Period:15 June 2024 (Fri.) - 23 June 2024 (Sun.)
Opening Hours:Mon.-Thur. : 11:00 - 19:00,Fri.-Sun. : 11:00 - 21:00 , 23 June (Sun.)11:00-18:00
Venue:W113 "Kitchen" , West Tabacco Factory, Songshan Creative Park
(No.133, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi Dist ,Taipei)

Organized by: Czech Cultural & Economic Office Taipei (CECO Taipei) & Czech Centre Taipei 
Exhibition Curator: Tomáš Prospěch /UPM
Organisational Cooperation: Markéta Záhumenská/Czech Centres, Oskar Novák /Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Graphic Design: Milan Nedvěd
Photograph Reproduction: Ondřej Kocourek/ UPM
Photographs: Collection of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague
2024 ©️ Authors and Heirs
Produced by: Core Cultural Management


Paul Hanrahan : The Aurora Arcade